- Delta State University’s Roberts-LaForge Library, a Selective Federal Depository Library, provides free and unrestricted access to Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) information on the Internet.
- All public workstations are available to serve the Delta State and Delta area communities. Assistance will be provided for patrons requiring access to password-protected sites.
- Children under the age of 17 must be in the company of an adult at all times; however, no one will be prohibited from using or accessing the government documents collection on account of age. Underage users may see the government documents librarian for assistance.
- The Roberts-LaForge Library does not use filtering software on any of its public access workstations.
- Use of the workstations is subject to the overall acceptable use policy of Delta State University.
- Printing of FDLP information is permitted. To avoid misusing resources, the Roberts-LaForge staff encourages all patrons to print only that which is necessary.
- With respect to online searches, staff members make every attempt to protect the confidentiality and privacy of each patron.
- To access online U.S. government documents and information, visit the website Govinfo.gov.